Definitions: Alternatives to the ADDIE Instructional Design Model

There are a number of alternatives to the ADDIE instructional design model which are not considered or given much due in the “main stream” ID press.

However, I think more than a process for creating instruction; it is the application of instructional strategies that really is the heart of designing effective learning interventions. It is the strategies that we apply to the materials we are teaching that make learning effective or not effective.

Here are a number of the models/concepts/philosophies that are outside of the traditional thinking about ADDIE, ISD and HPT (there are many more). Check them out and see if you can broaden your thoughts on the topic of designing effective instruction. All are link to other web pages unless otherwise specified.

Four Components Instructional Design Model (4C/ID)

List of models in an online book created by Bloomsburg University.

Universal Design for Learning

Cognitive Apprenticeship

Effective E-Learning Design Strategies(presentation)

Learning Requirements Planning (whitepaper)

Here is a large list of learning theory models.

Someone who has given a great deal of thought to the ID process and the variations of the process is M. David Merrill.

Here is a Glossary of Instructional Strategies that has a lot of great ideas on how to structure lessons and content for maximum learning.

If you know of any more links please add in comments.

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  1. Karl Kapp December 7, 2006


    Thanks, this looks like an interesting model, I will check out the whitepaper.

  2. Dave S. December 6, 2006

    One model that has piqued my interest recently was Neil Lasher’s 4A’s of Learning Design. It isn’t particularly revolutionary, but rarely anything is. However, what he does manage to do is present a pretty compelling model based on 4 core concepts:

    1. Attraction – drawing the learner in, adressing the WIIFM question.

    2. Attention – retaining the learner’s focus

    3. Availability – how easy is it to access the learning materials

    4. Application – providing the learner a reseaon and opportunity to apply the new knowledge.

    You can take a look at his white paper here:

Karl Kapp
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