Common Craft, Quick Educational Videos for Sale

I’ve always enjoyed Common Craft videos and as of a few months ago, they’ve created a new business model in which educators (and others) can purchase a high quality versions of the videos and either post them on the web or download for use in classroom or training room.

Seems like a great business model for making quick, short but educational videos available to explain complicated or difficult concepts and to set expectations for a training session. Great use of simple media to get across complex ideas.

Here are two samples explaining the increasingly popular Twitter (these are the free versions available on YouTube). The ones that are available for purchase have no advertising – The free versions often have advertising, the Common Craft watermark and promotional sections. Additionally, the downloadable versions are of a higher quality.

So check these out and see if a Common Craft video might be something you want to add to your training toolkit.


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Posted in: Web 2.0

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1 Comment

  1. Emma September 14, 2009

    While I agree that they need to make money & don't blame them for having a commercial model, I, like others, hope that they continue to allow free use of their videos.
    I'm lucky – YOuTube isn't blocked on our campus, but it's hard for those that do have it blocked.

Karl Kapp
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