Off to TechKnowledge 2015…
In a short period of time I will be headed to ATD’s TechKnowledge 2015, it is a fun conference with lots of great sessions and vendors. Last year a horrible snow storm stymied my attempt to head to warmer weather, I am hoping this year the same does not occur.
If I do make it to TK 2015, I will be doing some awesome stuff. I am conducting a session called W301 – Solving the Case of the Disengaged Learner both on Wednesday from 2:45 to 3:45 and again on Friday at 8:00 AM in the morning. So if you can, please join me for one of those exciting sessions, of course it will be a game-based, interactive session with a great mystery for everyone to solve.
Here are the details:
Wed, Jan 14 | 2:45 PM – 3:45 PM | Milano V/VI
Fri, Jan 16 | 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM | Pompeian III/IV
Here is the session description:
Engaging learners is a difficult task. They are constantly confronted with distractions and demands on their time. So how can we create instruction that pulls learners into the content and helps them gain the knowledge required to be successful? How do we grab and hold a learner’s attention? How do we motivate them to engage with the content we are teaching? Participate in this session and engage in solving this mystery in this interactive, presentation.
Based on the bestselling book, The Gamification of Learning and Instruction, this session includes many examples of using game-elements, game-thinking, and gamification to engage and motivate learners.
And, yes, you will play a polling game in this session. Discover firsthand how research-based practices and game-thinking are used to engage learners, increase learning, and lead to performance driven results.
Come solve the mystery of the disengaged learner.
I will be doing a book signing of my two books. Join me on Wednesday (1/14) from 3:45-4:15. The signing will take place at the onsite ATD Bookstore and they will have copies of The Gamification of Learning and Instruction and The Gamification of Learning and Instruction Fieldbook available.
Plus if you already have the book or just want to chat…this is your chance to stop by and say “hello” or network or just wave. Trust me, it can get lonely if no one stops to visit so, if you are not doing anything at TechKnowledge on Wed from 3:34-4:14, stop by.
And…if you want to pre-order the books, (there is still sometime) you can check them out on the links below.
Gamification of Learning and Instruction (More theory, white cover)
Gamification of Learning and Instruction Fieldbook (More hands-on, black cover)
See you soon!!!
Posted in: Gamification
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