1. Gadgets, Games and Gizmos for Learning: It’s Finally Here
    Yes, it is now official, you can order Gadgets, Games and Gizmos for Learning: Tools and Techniques for Transferring Know-How from Boomers to Gamers. The book is available at Amazon and from the publisher at Wiley’s web site. Also, check out the web site for the book www.gadgetsgamesandgizmos.…
  2. Develop: When Does Collective Wisdom Make Sense?
    Interesting article over at cnet news about the future of games called Future games to harness player’s collective wisdom. The article describes a talk given by alternate-reality game developer Jane McGonigal at the Game Developer’s Conference in the serious games summit portion. She stated …
  3. Out and About: Need for Speed, Interview and Webcast
    In this month’s T&D Magazine published by ASTD, I have a number of quotes in the Need for Speed article by Michael Laff. In the article, I (and others) talk about the drivers of rapid e-learning and how the design aspect of rapid e-learning should not be compromised. I discuss non-tradit…
  4. Definition: Massively Multi-learner Online Learning Environment (MMOLE)
    Massively Multi-learner Online Learning Environment: MMOLE is a genre of computer generated learning environments in which large numbers of learners interact with each other in a virtual three-dimensional (3D) world with the goal of learning. Learners assume a certain appearance through the creation…
  5. Gadgets, Games and Gizmos: Walking through the Body
    For years the National Science Foundation has been supporting innovative educational research and activities. One such activity has been the creation of 3D Internet-based resources to educate students about archaeology, biology, computer science and geology. One such project was undertaken at North…
  6. Gadgets, Games and Gizmos: The Book
    Here is a sneak peak of the cover for my new book, Gadgets, Games and Gizmos for Learning (haven’t gotten permission to make public but I couldn’t wait any longer). I am very excited about its impending release in April of this year. I have also just received some reviews from the publi…
  7. Rapid E-Learning Trade-Offs
    This month the Big Question on the Learning Circuit’s blog has to do with rapid e-learning. “What are the trade offs between quality learning programs and rapid e-learning and how do you decide?” I have done some previous writing on the topic of rapid e-learning: Learning at Byte SpeedSpeed is…
  8. Gadgets, Games and Gizmos: Learning Multiplication Tables in a Game
    There are video game based learning tools for a variety of topics including Algebra and Spanish. Here is one for multiplication tools. Timez Attack is a new video game instructionally designed exclusively for learning multiplication tables. The game uses drill and practice disguised as a video …
  9. Gadgets, Games and Gizmos: Informal Learning at Nick.com
    There is a blog entry titled Biases that eLearning 2.0 Faces (or What are we Up Against) over on Tony Karrer’s eLearning Technology blog. Tony quotes a post by a person who raises some concerns about eLearning 2.0. Like… how can you prevent garbage from being posted on blogs, do companies need t…
  10. Thoughts about 2006 and Predictions for 2007
    The Learning Circuits Blog Question for December has been posted. The questions this month are: What will you remember most about 2006?What are the biggest challenges for you/us as head into 2007?What are your predictions for 2007? These are not easy questions to answer. However, here is my best sho…
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Karl Kapp
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