Try Before You Buy

Over at, they have a great article called Real $3.1M mansion causes a virtual stir.

To quote the beginning of the article “Flipping through the real estate section is so yesterday — touring an exact replica of a home for sale in Second Life is what’s in store tomorrow.”

Is your training so yesterday? While instructor-led training will always have a place in corporate and academic institutions…isn’t it time we seriously looked at other alternatives like 3D worlds, including gadgets in the classroom and figuring out how to automate simple process that we train people to do daily? The goal of designers of instruction is to design environments, experiences and instruction that is realistic, efficient and effective…3D worlds offer some of these advantages.

Let’s not have the learning and development folks be the last ones to miss out on this new direction in learning. See some examples of how to use Second Life for education in this video created by some of the students in my Learning in 3D Class. I think it tells a compelling story.

Finding the right college degree program for you is important before you enroll in an online degree program. Getting your college degree online is something many people have used to help save money on a degree, especially if you’re just getting an online Associates degree from home.


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  1. Alan August 15, 2007

    Karl and students- Let me add another note of congrats for an excellently produced intro to SL video. It even speaks more to the power of a user generated world that this was a student created production.

    We’ve added it to our NMC Video Jukebox at

  2. Karl Kapp August 14, 2007


    Thanks for the great link. And a great resource.


  3. Col August 14, 2007

    Great video Karl, thanks.

    (Now we just need one telling us how to convince the IT team that this isn’t in fact some kind of diabolical threat to the security of the network 🙂

  4. Sean FitzGerald August 13, 2007

    What a great video! SLurls (Second Life URLs) to many of the examples cited and more are available in this (developing) resource – Educational Uses of Second Life.

Karl Kapp
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