3D Simulation/Game Development Tool: Thinking Worlds

In the webinar I conducted the other day, a number of people indicated that they had budgets of less than $1,000 and were wondering if it would be possible to create any kind of 3D learning game on such a meager budget.

One solution that they could try that would create a great 3D elearning experience is called Thinking Worlds.

The software is free to download and comes with a number of fantastic, pre-built 3D figures and environments. So you can build something and see how it works.

I’ve discussed the software before:

Turning an exam into a game

Rapid Prototyping Advice for Simulation Software Courtesy Thinking World

3D Environment Used to Teach New Recruits

Check out this short game created by Thinking Worlds to show how to create simple games and how quickly it can be done.

You can even publish on iPhone or iPad. So check it out, and, just so you know, I have no financial relationships with Thinking Worlds or Caspian Learning, I just think that the ability to create 3D simulations relatively quickly and easily is a great service and its a tool I have personally used. I am sure there are other tools like Thinking Worlds out there and I’d love to hear about them!

I am teaching “Instructional Game Design” in the fall and am planning on using Thinking Worlds as the development platform.

Posted in: Games, virtual immersive environment

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Karl Kapp
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