Archive for Out and About

Sample Presentations

Here are a couple of samples of presentations about Games, Gadgets and Gizmos. Here is my appearance on CBS station WYOU And here you can listen to a radio interview on public radio station WITF. Titled Educating through video games Here I am speaking at Penn State University on the Topic of Virtual Worlds Here is […]

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Smashing Good Time

Summarizing the ADDIE Model. Presented on the ADDIE model and instructional strategies to a great group yesterday in the UK for the Kaplan-EduNeering Knowledge Summit. We had audience members from all over Europe. I even managed to work in a discussion of 3D virtual worlds. We visited a hospital in Second Life which is modeled […]

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Off to See the Queen

Tower Bridge in London which is right outside of our hotel here in London. I am in London this week to present at a client summit for Kaplan EduNeering. My keynote/workshop is titled Connecting Content with Your End Users which focuses on instructional strategies for learning development. The presentation will cover different types of content […]

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How Much for that E-Learning in the Window?

One of the biggest obstacles companies encounter when looking for e-learning is the question…how much does it cost? That question has been around for ages and never seems to have a satisfactory answer. Most e-learning vendors are a little evasive when it comes to answering that question. As a case in point, check out this […]

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Preventing Violence

Poster highlighting domestic violence conference. With all the talk on this blog about violence in sports and video games, I wanted to take a moment to talk about preventing violence. The past few weeks, I have had the privilege to work with wonderful people at the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV). This wonderful organization […]

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Karl Kapp
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