Flash for Instructional Game Development

There are several books that can help you to utilize Adobe’s Flash (which I know has a bad wrap due to Apple, however, it is still great for creating instructional games).

Here is another interesting book, its a little older but still has some relevant information.

The description does a nice job of summing it up “Not necessarily a software book, Flash Animation for Teens takes readers through the basic concepts of animation while using Flash. The primary concepts covered include layering animation, integrating audio, drawing, tweening, and exporting.” Flash has changed since the publication of this book so you need to be aware but the basic concepts are still a good way to get started.

This book basically has a game to develop in each chapter. In addition, each game in the book introduces a range of essential skills that all Flash game developers should know.

Here is a well written book on the topic of Flash game development.

If you know of more resources, please add them to the comments.

Additionally, you can go to YouTube and type in “Flash Game Tutorial” and find a wealth of information. You can see one of the videos below.

Or, you can take a course or two at Lynda.com to get up to speed on Flash and how to develop a Flash game.

Posted in: Games

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Karl Kapp
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