Four Videos on Instructional Design

Here are four videos that can help you to think about instructional design for online learning. They don’t all specifically describe instructional design but they do all have insightful ideas if you just listen and apply.

This one describes how too much focus on “information” for courses is the wrong focus. Well stated by Cathy Moore who always has great insights concerning the design of instruction.

Here is a clever video about the “Design” step of the ADDIE model.

Here is a video that does not seem related to instructional design but it is. Tony talks about “chunking” and motivation in this clip–two elements that are critical to the design of instructional technology. For example, too much detail in learning development is not helpful as Tony points out. Think about how these ideas apply to the design of instruction.

What can we learn from how grand master’s think?…working backwards seems like a powerful paradigm for designing instruction. Here are some ideas on that concept by Maurice Ashley.

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Karl Kapp
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