Gadgets, Games and Gizmos: Knowledge Transfer
Here are a few items that are discussed in my upcoming book Gadgets, Games and Gizmos for Learning: Tools for Transfering Know-How from the Boomers to the Gamers by Pfeiffer in April 2007.
Transfering know-how to the gamer (nex-ter, Gen-Y) generation.
•Focus on using games to teach basic but essential knowledge such as facts, concept and rules.
•Use simulations to teach advanced knowledge like procedures, principles and problem-solving.
•Use of handheld gadgets to provide immediate access to information or for transferring knowledge from boomers to gamers via distance in real time.
•Use corporate “cheat codes” to provide quick chunks of knowledge.
•Move information and knowledge out of rigid course structures to create small, easily searched bite-sized nuggets. Gamers are used to “Googling” information—not reading manuals.
•Replace education with automation. Automating a process is often better than trying to develop and maintain a training program. Think of cash registers that give change–no training needed on how to calculate change.
Read my whitepaper on the topic.
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