Gadgets, Games and Gizmos: Recommendations

Whenever I give a presentation about Gadgets, Games and Gizmos, a boomer always asks me for a list of games they should play or gadgets they should buy to help understand the educational potential of video games and gadgets. They are always curious as to how to get up to speed.

To address this question, I have created a list of over 40 PC games, video games and assorted gadgets that I think represent the technology and the game play that need to be understood when developing “serious games” for use in corporate settings.

Here is the list of recommended Gadgets, Games and Gizmos.

(I used the Amazon feature so I could easily obtain an image of each item without the work of trying to go out and find a graphic of each item I wanted to recommend.)

Let me know if I missed any that you’d like to see on the list.

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Karl Kapp
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