Interviewed at Udemy

The other day, I was interviewed by the folks over at udemy. They asked questions about 3D, the origin of Kapp Notes and the future of education.

The question about the origin of Kapp Notes is interesting as I am planning on moving the blog to a new location with new layout with additional content and some support to make all this happen.

In terms of 3D, one question was: How can 3D technology be used to impact education?

I responded that it will impact education in 3 ways:

  • It can provide learners with experiences they could not have any other way.
  • 3D fosters collaboration across great distances.
  • 3D is the natural state of humans and when 3D interfaces become easier to use and mimic our natural movements, the possibilities of collaborating, learning and gaining wisdom will be almost limitless.

Read more of the interview at An interview with Karl Kapp__ Catalog of Recommended Books, Games and Gadgets Recommended Games and Gadgets Recommended Books Content Guide

Posted in: 3D worlds lrn3d, Out and About

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1 Comment

  1. Rizwan ali July 23, 2010

    i am regular visitor of your site and you are writing very nice so keep posting university admission

Karl Kapp
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