iPad Ready for College!

In an interesting article at Fast Company titled Apple’s iPad Officially Passes the Higher Education Test it was declared that the iPad has the features college students are looking for in an electronic, portable device.

Here are some highlights from the article:

The most impressive iPad feature was also the simplest: a smooth scrolling touchscreen. “The quick response time of the touch screen was highly praised and seemed to be extremely beneficial in class discussions because it allowed students to navigate rapidly between texts to reach specific passages,” notes the report….

… students enthusiastically developed a symbiotic relationship with the tablet, using it for much, if not all, of their courses and study time. Ultimately, Reed’s stamp of approval simply demonstrates that tablets do not leave students worse off. The more exciting possibilities, such as interactive textbooks, social network integration, and field data collection, will likely become a reality in the very near future.

The iPad is going to be making a huge impact on education in college and, most likely, K-12 and will eventually make its way into corporate training but I see that lagging as schools will pick up this technology before corporations.

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Karl Kapp
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