Keynote Resources: Distance Teaching and Learning Conference

Great time at the education conference. Met a number of new friends and caught up with some long time friends! Wonderful conference discussing all the great things happening in higher education around distance learning and interactive learning.

Here are the slides of my keynote.

Also, many people ask me how I am able to add notes directly to PowerPoint. Here are the instructions for performing that activity.

And, here are some additional gamification resources you may find helpful.


First here is a link to a video I did as part of a course on Gamification for

You can also find courses related to interactive learning and being a university faculty.
How to Increase Learner Engagement
Core Strategies for Teaching in Higher Ed
Grant Writing for Education
Gamification of Learning

Here is a video to share with colleagues to help them understand Gamification.

    Articles of Interest:

Here is an interesting link to an infographic.

Gamification Grows Up

10 Best Practices for Implementing Gamification

Games, Gamification, and the Quest for Learner Engagement.

Gamification Myths Debunked: How To Sidestep Failure And Boost Employee Learning

8 Gamification of Learning Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Visit for more information on gamification and learning.

Posted in: Games, Games video games, Gamification

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Karl Kapp
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