Learning Solutions “Play to Learn” Workshop Resources
Here are the resources for the 2015 Learning Solutions “Play to Learn” Workshop. It was a little sad for me to present without my friend Sharon Boller who is recovering from surgery. Missing her presence at the workshop. She is CEO of Bottom Line Performance Inc.
Here are the slides from the workshop.
Here are some additional resources:
Bottom Line Performance Game Blog
Here is some information on thinking like a game designer. Improve Training: Thinking Like a Game Designer
Here are some elements you can add to your training to elevate the level of engagement. Five Gaming Elements for Effective eLearning
10 Best Practices for Implementing Gamification
8 Game Elements to Make Learning More Intriguing
8 Gamification of Learning Mistakes you Need to Avoid
Here are a few resources related to gamification in action.
The Gamification of Retail Safety and Loss Prevention Training
The Gamification of Sales Force Training
Gamification Myths Debunked: How To Sidestep Failure And Boost Employee Learning
July 2012 T&D Article: Games, Gamification and the Quest for Interactive Learning
Here is Chapter One of “The Gamification of Learning and Instruction.”Chapter One of the Gamification of Learning and Instruction
Blog Posts of Interest
Three Guidelines for Effectively Integrating Games in the Classroom
Three Abstracts: Does Your Instruction have Too Much “Certainty”?
Six Ways Innovation is Stifled in the Learning Field
Six Ways to Foster Innovation in the Learning Field
What Happens in a Story…Happens in Your Brain
Three Videos on Educational Creativity
Engage Your Learner: Add Suspense, Mystery, Intrigue
Two Opposite but Important Elements of Learning
Sorry, Games and Gamification are Not Magic
A Meta-analysis Indicating the Benefits of Video Games for Older Adults
Talking about Life Lessons from Video Games
Check out my Gamification course on Lynda.com

The Gamification of Learning explores how to use game concepts to make your learning design engaging.
Get a free 7 day trial of The Gamification of Learning and other Lynda.com Courses!
To learn more about gamification and games for learning:
Click here to visit a catalog of Resources on this subject.
Posted in: Games
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