Manage: E-Learning Project Elements that Need Managed

If you are going to manage an e-learning project, you must manage the following elements.

Scope: This includes proper identification of the tasks that need to be accomplished for the project. It should also take into consideration what happens when the scope of the project changes (it will change).

Quality: Your client (internal or external) must feel that you are providing a high quality product. This can be at the product level (no bugs) at the navigation level (easy to navigate good usability), at the educational level (teaches what needs to be taught) and at the performance level (actually impacts behavior of learner) and ultimately business impact (project must positively impact organization or…don’t do it.)

Instructional Design: The Instructional Systems Design (ISD) process is a methodology for developing instruction. Following a methodology ensures that your resulting instruction is engaging, effective and instructionally sound. Not everyone understands the ISD process or sees its value. So you must manage this process so it adds value and contributes to the effectiveness of the instruction being created.

Time: This involves determining the amount of time it takes to perform each task as well as determining the overall time required to complete the project. The time allocated for each task must be feasible and within industry norms.

Cost: This is the price for the project. The price must stay within budget, but must be high enough so that the e-learning can be created properly.

Human Resources (people): The team assigned to the project must be capable of actually performing the work. You must also be careful not to overwork the team or stretch them too far. We like to think we can always work better, faster, cheaper but that is not always the case.

Technology: This area is constantly changing you must consider revisions to the software, updates to browsers and other areas where technology can change.

Communications: Communication protocols both formal and informal should be established. The better the communication among team members and clients, the better the project.

Risk: All projects have risks, some are internal and some are external. It is important to let everyone know that the risks are understood and that you have some contingency plans for those risks.

WOW! Management: Tom Peters, that maven of management, writes that every project should also have a WOW factor. If the project doesn’t make someone sit up and take notice, then it is not worth the effort. He preaches that mediocre successes are far worse than spectacular failures. Don’t forget a little WOW!

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  1. Paul Kremer January 4, 2007

    Hi Karl,

    I need your help. I have started another blogspot. I have posted some of my book. I would love your feedback and mentorship. The address is

    I have never ventured into the world of writing or into concepts such as this. I would value your feedback on a. The concept, b. The content i.e. would you read further if you picked up the book and 3. Have you any research material on this subject. I will have to end up doing some research as it is very rare. Thanks as always Paul.

Karl Kapp
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