Rethinking how we interact with computers for training
Here are some questions to consider about our current means of conducting elearning or even mlearning and our current level of interaction with computers.
Let’s think about whether or not its possible to replace education with automation. Think of how a GPS replaces a map, how Quicken Tax software replaces an accountant. Not to mention Apple’s Siri.
Learning and development professionals should examine technologies used in other industries and within the consumer electronics realm and see what can be applied to your situation. You need to ask some questions:
- How do I or the learners currently interface with the computer? Is it the best way?
- Can we get away from just using the keyboard or mouse? How? Is it more authentic learning?
- Can’t we use our natural human movements or voice?
- Can’t the computer figure out what we already know and then just give us the information we don’t know?
- Why can’t the computer act more like a person in looks and language? Can we have more natural interactions and exchanges of information?
- Can we make the interface with learning programs better and more effective, more intuitive?
- Can we create a realistic environment in which learners can do realistic and fantastic things in the context of business via computers?
Let’s try to answer some of these questions and rethinking what is possible for learning interfaces with our computers.
Great post! I am currently research a new simulation software called SimWriter in the hopes e-learning can be more personal, interactive and realistic in its interactions. I enjoyed the questions you asked though as they definitely give me something to think about.