T&D Reviews Gadgets, Games and Gizmos for Learning

This morning I opened up the July 2007 issue of ASTD’s Magazine, T&D and found that Paula Ketter has just reviewed Gadgets, Games and Gizmos for Learning.

Here is some of what she had to say:

[This book, like others, talks about] the impending retirement of baby boomers and how companies are dealing with the critical knowledge transfer that needs to take place.

But what makes this book different is its unique approach to the knowledge-transfer issue…This book is a valuable resource for any business looking to find practical solutions to the boomer-gamer knowledge-transfer gap. It reveals new methods and tools that are being used successfully in a variety of settings, including Flash mobs and cheat codes, video iPods, instant messaging and blogging.

Knowledge transfer is one of the most critical issues facing organizations today.

In fact, I was reading the Philadelphia Inquirer a few weekends ago and they had an article on retiring air traffic controllers. The head of the union said “The margin of safety is decreasing becasue you’re seeing an experience drain going on.” The article goes on to say that retirements and staffing levels have reduced the amount of time veterans have for fully training recent hires…new methods are needed for training, hopefully my book helps organizations understand some of those new methods and training possiblities.

Also, this month, Wiley’s publication Global Business and Organization Excellence published an article I wrote titled Tools and Techniques for Transferring Know-How from Boomers to Gamers. You can read the abstract here.

If you are looking for some summer reading, you might want to pick up the book or the article and provide your own review. You can write the review on this blog or hop on over to Amazon and leave a review.

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