Keynote Resources from Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference

Here are my slides and some other resources from my keynote address.

Here are some additional thoughts when teaching in a virtual world and integrating Gamification into that experience.

Make the learner part of a case study—This strategy involves helping the learners to identify patterns within the cases by placing them in a case. It helps them with the examination of case variables impacting the outcome of the situation compared to irrelevant variables. It helps them with their understanding of the underlying factors influencing the outcome of the case and developing alternative solutions. Immerse the learner in a 3D virtual world where they are part of the case study and “living” the events and actions taking place within that case study. Remember to have an indepth debrief to solidify the learning.

Create a “Learning Documentary.”— Demonstrate to the learners how others have solved similar problems.a. Think virtual world reality show for problem-solving. Often work involved with problem-solving goes on in someone’s head and it is hard to convey that knowledge in a learning environment. One answer is to create a documentary where the learner can watch a situation, see how an expert reacts and then listen to the expert debrief the situation at certain keep points. It is a good way to get into the head of an expert to determine why they approach a situation in a certain manner and to listen to them “think outloud” about problem-solving. Doing in a virtual world is often less threatening to the expert than “live” video.

Immerse the learner in the situation immediately—Virtual worlds do this really well. How we traditionally teach creative problem-solving skills is to list all the elements that need to be learned and then include a case study or role-play. Instead, start with a problem of which the learning is a part and then provide guidance and assistance when the learner encounters an obstacle. Create the need for the learner to seek or require the information you want them to acquire. This creates motivation and helps with retention. (this is similar to the first item but this involves a problem to be solved rather then a general case).

Additional Resources on Virtual Worlds and Gamification:

If you’d like to learn more about gamification in 2016 here are some resources you may find helpful.


First here is a link to a video I did as part of a course on Gamification for

You can get a free 10 day trial by clicking on the image below.
10 day free trial

    Articles of Interest:

Gamification Grows Up

10 Best Practices for Implementing Gamification

Games, Gamification, and the Quest for Learner Engagement.

Gamification Myths Debunked: How To Sidestep Failure And Boost Employee Learning

8 Gamification of Learning Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Visit for more information on gamification and learning.

Posted in: 3D worlds, 3D worlds lrn3d, virtual immersive environment, vwbpe

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Karl Kapp
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